Here are Avacadoes:
This is either a cluster of grapes or figs, don't remember, but I think it was figs
We took a trip to a botanical garden, it was 100+ acres dedicated to the study of native plants for medicinal research, this is our tour guide, he reminded me of Larry the Cable Guy when he talked, and just as funny, too. Very laid back, he came to hawaii 25 years ago, and never left:
This is the view on the way into the gardens:
Lava is so porous and full of nutrients, plants just grew out of it, here is a large piece in the botanical gardens just sitting there covered in plants:
The flowers were breathtaking:
We saw this couple on all of our shore excursions, we became friends, meet Linda and Merrill
This flower had a hitch hiker, Steve is pretty allergic to bees:
We saw a pineapple growing, it was pretty neat to see it sitting there, we saw quite a few of them:
Some of the islands didn't have a port big enough for the ship, so we had to be 'tendered' into the shore, I was pretty leary of that, I am afraid of water, I can't swim, here is a picture from that little boat, I put my camera out the window and just clicked, because I couldn't see and bend around and you had to remain seated, but the photo came out surprisingly good:
The garden at the airport in Honolulu before we flew home
this was the group on our tour of the botanical gardens:
The Pride of Hawaii, sitting in the bay waiting for us to return. Now it has been decomissioned, it will go to Europe and be called Norwegian Jade, it's going to be all ripped apart, they will add gaming tables and slot machines. Some of the crew were excited, they had applied to go with the ship and got the job, others didn't. It would be fun to go to Europe. The crew gets 2 days off a week, so they get to see parts of Europe, with expenses paid.