I called my daughter to tell her what I found, she told me we had signed up to win a free pair of shoes months ago. She won a t-shirt, I won shoes!

They are pretty comfy, I can feel the difference when we walk around the lake, I like them, they would have cost around $80/pair if I had purchased them. This is a great treat, I would never pay that much for a pair of tennis shoes for myself. I really never win anything, so was quite thrilled to get them......I am such a weirdo, so easy to thrill with a pair of tennies! Oh, they can be found at www.ryka.com
I'm glad I'm not the only one that never remembers what contests or freebies that I sign up for. This just happened to me this week when Karen asked me if I got my free Close to My heart stamp in the mail. I didn't even remember signing up for it! (It's nice to have a friend like Karen that keeps me up to date and actually signing up for these freebies!) HEE
Yep, she sent me the link to sign up for the shoes, she won a t-shirt.
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