I have some photos to share of our trip to see Isaac. Then a few random ones. The pecan pie I made for him before he left for Job Corps, it's his favorite.
Then there is one of Steve touching the statue in Hawaii for good luck, I forgot about this one. He didn't want to touch it at all, but the guide told us everybody rubbed it for good luck.......I wanted a picture of him doing it, so he obliged, although begrudgingly:
Random photos, one of Olivia going to see Noah at the hospital all dressed up in her purple clothes. She is wearing the Salvation Bracelet I strung for her. Next is a picture of her salvation bracelet. She was so tired the night I strung it, she finally went to bed and fell asleep. First thing when she woke up the next day, she wanted to see her bracelet. One is of Olivia and Grandpa when they came to visit us. They both had just gotten out of bed. Others are of Isaac's room, I redid it for guests when he is not home. Deb will stay there in November when Michael Barley comes to Omaha to teach his class on glass bead making. Then Isaac will be home for Christmas for a month.
There are photos of Deanne's birthday in Feb. that I never posted. Left to right: The first one is of Wendy (baby sis) Dianne, Michelle and Brandy (Sis in law) the 2nd one is of Wendy and Deanne.
There are also photos of the BMW ultimate drive. The one is the signature car for 2007, it is auctioned off at then end of the drive for 2008, then they will drive this year's car through 2009. It was so much fun. Linda and I both drove SUV's. I took a shot of our signatures on the car.......Linda thought it was cheesy, But I wanted to get a shot in case it ever got scrapbooked.
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