He is on a ventilator, with a chest tube. He fractured all of his ribs on both sides, which caused a puncture to his left lung. He also bruised his lungs, his adrenals and his spleen, which is now leaking. He will be taken to surgery to have it removed if it continues. The Drs are watching it closely.
He also broke a vertebrae in his neck, 2 in his back. They woke him up to see if he could move his extremeties, which he could, he also had feeling, so he is not paralyzed. He had no fractures to his arms or legs, no head injuries. He is lucky that he is alive, we are very thankful.
I say a prayer for my little brother every day, I am hoping God heard those prayers and spared him, (?)realizing he had someone that loved him enough to pray for him daily.
Please know that Ron and your family are in my prayers, although after looking at the pictures it looks like certain prayers were already answered. Although I'm sure his will be a long recovery, it looks like you were all very lucky! Hang in there!!
Thanks, that means a lot to me. I am so thankful that I pray for him, I truly think that prayer coverage is important. I visualize a guardian angel over him sometimes, protecting him as he lives his life. After reading 'This Present Darkness' by Frank Peretti, it proved to me what our pastor used to say, prayer changes everything. Read it if you can find it, an older book. Powerful, though.
It's a miracle that your brother is alive. He will be in my thoughts and I'll wait to hear more news. Good news.
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