Karen posted about a movie night gift she did for her neighbor Stacey. I thought it was a great idea, but I could not find the container. I went on a search for something similar, but found nothing.
Wal-Mart had these big red bowls, then I found some red and white bowls, got some paint markers and went to town. I gave it to her at my appointment tonight along with a gift certificate to get some popcorn.
well, that is way cuter than the one i made.
What a fun and thoughtful thing for you to do. I was amazed by the gifts and flowers my clients gave me when I had surgery. It's always nice to get presents!
You are the sweetest! What a great present!
Yeah..sorry I was no help! I love what you did for her though, and so did she and the rest of the family!! Did you hear that she told Ethan he couldn't have any candy until she got back home from surgery? So he couldn't wait for her to have her surgery - she said he was standing at the door waiting for her to get home and wanted his candy right away! HA HA HA...
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