Bubble tea? Massage? Bake? Root around on the internet?? Go for a nice long walk?
Clean? Laundry? Melt some glass? String some bracelets? Make some earrings?
Hope you all have a weekend that is fun and relaxing.
I know, I'll peruse the catalogues deciding which flowers to plant this year, but I always come back to the same ones, the ones that attract the hummingbirds and spill out of the planters. I love wave petunias for those reasons.
I can't wait to see what the wisteria does this year, it went crazy last year, looked gorgeous amongst the clematis. The 'red' clematis that turned into a purple one like they all do. They are clearly marked red in the nursery, but when I get them home and they bloom it is clearly a purple one every time, I now have 3...haha
These photos were taken before the area was finished. The mulch isn't down, the rest of the plantings had not been done, it ended up being a very nice area to sit and sip iced tea.
HMMMM??? why the pic of Uncle Ron's van??? goof bal!
I don't know how that got there, must have copied the wrong photos, it's fixed now, can't wait for spring, the snow is all gone from the back patio. Now I need to sweep and clean it all up.
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