When we moved to the new property, there were no trees, flowers, etc. growing here. The property has been empty as long as I can remember. I can remember walking past it as a young girl on my way to school.
When we moved in, the 2nd or 3rd year we were here, Steve asked for a Weeping Willow tree for the back yard. His grandmother raised him from the ripe old age of 3 until he and I got married. She had a willow tree in the yard, some of his fondest memories from that time were playing in her tree.
Karen got Steve the tree for Father's day, it is only 3 or 4 years old, we can't remember how long we were here when we planted it. We have a natural spring that runs beneath our property, making it impossible for us to put our home on a basement. It is a perfect spot to nurture a willow tree:
holy cow, look at that thing. that sucker has grown.
love the little eggs, that is so cool!
MIss O says she wants "to go to that house and see that tree and those eggs."
She can, she definitely CAN!!!
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