I love the little personal casserole dishes, and the bread plate, and the serving bowls, oh, I Love it all, especially the fun colors!!!
Each year we get Steve's brother Scott and his wife Deb something for Christmas, generally it is a HY-Vee basket that is done with fruit, we add wine and cheese. This year I saw a dish that I knew was perfect for Deb, so I got it and we customized it for them. I love this dish, and managed to wait until they were all gone before going to get one for myself:
This is the basket that Steve received from a friend, they left it sitting on our front porch, it was full of fruit, chocolate, wine and other little tidbits, we love it! He brings one to us every year. So far we have never been home when he sets it there:
When Steve and I went to Galena, Il in the summer, we got a very expensive dish at a little shop that sells items brought over from France. I noticed the glaze is fading, how disappointing is that? I wish I knew the name of the store, I would call to voice a complaint. I love the dish, but lord, it shouldn't have glaze that fades, or at least I would think not.
Isaac never asks me for anything. He did, however ask me to make him cheeseburger soup:
And the pecan pie I made in my new Fiesta Pie Plate:
Congratulations on all of the fabulous Fiesta! I'm a big fan, though I've run out of room in my china cabinet so my collection is at a stand still until I do a re-sort.
NO NO KELLI, you simply build another cabinet!!!!!!!!
so colorful...love it :)
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