Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weddings, Illness and Blessings

Steve and I had the privelege of driving to Sterling Colorado to witness the marriage of my friend Karen's youngest daughter, Lacy to Darin Jost. The time we spent there was limited, but it was great to touch base with her and her family again. Her daughters, Lacy and Shanna are sweet spirits. We found great joy in seeing them......they are delightful, accomplished, confident, intelligent young women.

They have a son, Chris, who took the job of 'watching' over his sisters very seriously throughout their lives. He expressed a deep love and appreciation for them, as well as a deep sense of pride in them. We were impressed with him......we are going to start praying harder for a young woman to be his perfect mate. When he finds her, she will be a perfect compliment to his sweet spirit. Chris has many gifts to offer, God will continue to work in his life until the perfect time arrives. I will continue to pray for her arrival. It worked for us, Brian didn't stand a chance. So many of us prayed him in, then Karen did the rest. (I JEST, I JEST)

While enjoying the company of Karen and her family, our daughter Karen called us to tell us Noah was taken to the hospital, ill and lethargic, unresponsive with a fever. They were running tests on him for meningitis. (I was most concerned about the spinal tap, but he was a trooper during the whole thing.) We spent last evening in our hotel room praying for him, while trying to rest in case we needed to make a run to help them.

Today the preliminary test came back negative for meningitis, but positive for rotavirus. Karen is exhausted, Brian is out of hours that he can be absent from work. Karen called me to ask if I could come spend a few days with her to help her with Miss O. Steve and I just arrived home, I will sleep a few hours, then Isaac and I will drive help out while Noah gets the medical attention he needs from the hospital staff. God willing, he will get to come home on Monday.

Thank you all for your prayers while we have had this difficult, trying time, we have felt them, we praise God for his grace.

Thanks to Pastor Cary and his family for their continuous offers of assistance and support to our daughter and her family, they are an extension of her immediate family. Because of the distance, I am not always available to be there for her and the grandbabies, her church family willingly stands in the gap for us, it is a blessing to have people like them in your life.

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